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Lone Wolf

Toffee, Summer fruits, Bold body.
Pure, Organic, Colombian.

Producer : Various regional farmers
Varietal : Castillo, Caturra.
Region: Tolima, Colombia
Altutude: 1600 – 2200 masl

About the Tolima Region

The name “Tolima” comes from the Pijao language: Tulima, Tolima or Dulima which means “Snow River or Cloud”. The department has various Tropical mountain climates: From Glacial climate altitudinal zones of 5000 masl. in Tolima and Huila Snow Mountains where the temperatures get below 0°C, to Warm climate altitudinal zones of 400 masl in its wide valleys and temperatures of 30°C.

Tolima region is the third largest coffee producer in the country, representing  12 of the national production. There are 116.229 hectares cultivated with coffee in 71.498 single estates and 61.465 coffee grower families. The excellence of the coffee from this department is the result of favorable environmental conditions, the characteristics of the soil, and the traditional wet milling and natural drying made by the farmers.

Cup Profile: Clove and vanilla fragrance and aroma which is complemented with red fruits jelly and grapefruit-like acidity. This Coffee is very balanced between sweetness, acidity and creamy body. Toffee, Summer fruits, full bodied.
Certification: Organic

Roasters notes.
I have taken this a little past 1st crack roast. Usually called a medium roast. Lone Wolf is a Single Origin. This is not a blend of different origin coffees from different countries. This is Organic Colombian grown in the Tolima region.
It can give hints of stone fruit and is generally considered buttery in body.
I hope you enjoy.


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